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  1. Author Chuck Edwards
  2. Bio: God fearing, Single Father, Trying to make a difference!

Directors=Geoffrey Rogers; Movie info=A Christian documentary diving into the sex trafficking industry in the US exposing the darkness that fuels demand, highlighting survivors' transformations through Christ, and showing Christ as the hope for all involved; Writer=Sarah Manson; 2020; USA.
Blind eyes opened streaming.
The new RDX James Bond.

Looks like Archie did succeed in music

The heaven opens above my head. I feel The Dark Knight soundtrack... This feels like a unexpected comeback for the longest running franchise and I hope it'll be up with skyfall as the g.o.a.t of the modern James bond series. Blind eyes opened trailer. Blind eyes opened 2020. Blind eyes opened movie. I LOVE SEB SO MUCH BUT THIS TRAILER IS SOO LONG. They gave the whole story away. Trailers need to entice the viewer plus Seb seems to have the same sad expression throughout... wishing the best thou... Me: Takes blindfold off Me: Sees myself in the mirror Puts the blindfold back on.

Makes my feelings mixed: happy, sad, mad, and just wanting to cry and smile. Anyone else feel this way. Blind eyes opened documentary. I was coughing a lot during my science class and we were watching this movie and now my entire class is paranoid of me... That's why I'm an Introvert. Blind eyes opened release date. Blind Eyes openedition. Blind eyes opened cinemark. This song should be more famous than it is, it is so amazing. Dr Brook, one of the best defenders of capitalism today. Even though I've heard him several times, and know what his message is, I still tune in to listen to him.

From kenya n I can feel the impartation n blessing over my life through this miracle. Blind eyes opened movie youtube. Blind eyes opened rating. Blind eyes opened showing. Michael B and brie Larson I,am soo in. Blind eyes opened youtube. Hold on wait its been 2 years already. Good work Mayur and all other members.


I like Samuel L Jackson, but he has been in way to many movies. It's hard to convince my brain to accept his character in a movie I'm currently seeing, because I still remember the character from his last movie. 2:27 how are they not dead I need to rewatch the previous rgetting who these peep are.

Blind eyes opened fathom events

Blind eyes opened movie locations. A Quiet place: Don't speak Happening: Don't breathe Hush: Don't hear Bird Box: Don't look YouTube comment: Can't get likes. Blind eyes opened full movie. Yoooo the lady with the blue t-shirt eye color is sick 😮. Very good mayur n also to his team very emotional documentary i like this video. Blind eyes opened dvd. Love me hopeless. [p]: [Previous] [p] | [Next] n Part 2 With the Scream of metal the whole of Jupiters seat comes free of the floor. The bolts just sheer off and it pitches forward agonisingly slowly in the dampening field. Jupiters’ eyes go wide in panic as he tumbles but he’s strapped in securely. Then the power to the dampers cuts and suddenly the full force returns. He vanishes with a thunderous crash. In front of him, Gef’s seat is gone as well. In front of where they sat, the bulkhead is a buckled with a mass of twisted metal driven deep into it. Charlie hangs forward in her seat harness, pale and shaking. She didn’t get her leg back in place in time, looking down she can see the pale white of jagged bones sticking out below her uniforms kneepad. “Shit”. She tries to move then bites back a scream of pain. Baker moves to help her, but she shakes her head. “Not got time for wounded, grab my pack and get moving. Get that Queen for me” The others salvage what they can as the torpedo displays blinking red lights. A computer voice calmly states “Exterior fires extinguished. You are green for go. ” The Lights go green. The torpedo splits open at the front, ripping apart hive walls. They charge forward, through the burnt rubble and drop through a hole in the floor into a tunnel below. Back in her seat, Charlie arms her suicide charge. “well this sucked”. She thumbs the detonate button and vanishes in a sudden ball of white hot flame. All around them are confused worker bugs running about, carrying rubble or larvae away from the impact or working to fight the fires. One has a cylindrical fire extinguisher and is spraying foam at the worst fires. Another has randomly run up the wall and is wailing in panic. Even through the respirators they can smell the acrid scent of burnt insectoid bodies. Then a sweeter scent washes over it all. Delta coughs. He’s lost his facemask in the landing “Smell that? Like rotting fruit? some sort of Pheromone signal? ” All the workers suddenly stand perfectly still. “Oh crap. ” As one the hive workers all turn and rush the Humans. Instinctively they form a Firing line, covering each other and laying down an even spread of high velocity plasma death. Short controlled bursts, aiming for centre mass, blowing the insectoid workers torsos apart. Foxy leads to the left as they head to cover, the massive barrel of the semi portable flaring as she cuts apart the masses of workers but more keep pouring in. Over the crack of the plasma fire she shouts back “We can't shoot the whole hive! ” Able agrees “We can’t stay still either! Have to break through! ” Baker and Indigo switch to the flamers, laying down a wall of fire that pushes the workers back as they try and climb over their burning comrades. “Lemur! Close those tunnels to the upper worker galleries! ”. “On it! ” He dials down the grenade launcher, setting the grenades to a few seconds delay. Then he takes aim at the tunnel entrance and punches three grenades into the centre of the arch. They detonate together, cracking the tough hive concrete resin and collapses the tunnel arch. They finish off the few workers still standing and push on. Foxy leads the way down a wide sloping ramp, the others instinctively forming in pairs and alternating moving forward with covering each other. Ahead the hive tunnel opens into a balcony looking out over a vast gallery of pallid grey green fungus. The air is chokingly warm and humid, thick with pheromones and spores and the scent of rot. Huge bugs slowly graze the fungus, abdomens swollen with stomachs of digestive acid. Smaller workers scurry back and forth as a rain of debris falls from a vent in the ceiling, adding to a growing pile of the bodies of dead workers. “Fungus farm and cemetery? I guess they recycle” “decay and fermentation – I think high levels of methane. Can we use that? ” Lemur readies the grenade launcher then pauses, lifts his mask to sniff the air. He shakes his head “It probably won’t explode, the humidity is too high. ” He gags. “Stinks though. Weird smell of pine as well. ” “Hey, anyone noticed how…” “…We keep finishing…” “…Each other’s sentences? ” “Maybe we got synced up on download? ” Kilo shouts a warning as she shoulders her rifle and fires a quick burst “Contact ahead! ”. She takes cover against the wall. Further along the balcony three of the larger warriors stop their advance and level their spears. Tucked tight under an arm and close to the body they’re like bizarre knights with lances, then they fire as one. The chemical propellant detonates with a deafening report and gout of flame, sweeping the balcony with a hail of shot. Echo is caught in the blast and knocked off her feet, several jagged barbed spikes in her armour. She tries to sit up and swear but nothing but a wet bubbling sound escapes the torn ruin of her throat. She puts a hand up to feel it, finds it wet with blood. Snarling through bloody foam she pressed one hand to the wound and aims her rifle with the other. Able feels a punch in his chest plate, looks down to see a six inch barbed spike of metal sticking from his armour. The point is just barely through but he can feel the poison burning in his blood. With a gloved hand he tugs the spike free and jams a armour patch over the hole. The Patch fuses with the armour plate, expanding down to stick the fragments of armour together, down into the wound clotting blood and numbing pain. Indigo ignores the spike in its shoulder and hefts the flamer, charging forward as the warriors reload. With practised ease the Warriors raise the spears, one arm pulling the bolt back and opening the chamber, the other hand drawing a round from a belt pouch, part a brass tube of chemical explosive, part a twisted mass of metallic needles. It spits on the needles tip and pushes the round into the spear rifle, closing the breach and locking it closed. Before they can level and fire again, Foxy opens up with the semi portable and the others join in with their rifle, catching one warrior and making the other two try and get to cover. Too late, as Indigo throws itself forward and rolls, raising the flamer. All three Warriors are engulfed in flame. Baker and Kilo move forward, covering Indigo as it gets to its feet. Delta checks on Echo, cursing when he sees her blank eyes then moves on to help Able get shakily to his feet. “Echo’s gone. Able is moving but hurt” “I’ll be ok for long enough, I didn’t get a full dose of the poison” Foxy spits over the edge into the fungus “Eight left. Let’s make this count” Baker nods and triggers Echo’s suicide charge. “Not letting them grow fungus on you” They move on, as fast as they dare. Out of the fungus gardens and down, curling ramps lit with glowing bug lights on the walls, tubes that pulse with pumped fluids and the ever present scent of sweetness and rot. “Just wondering, briefing said these guys recently evolved biological energy weapons? ” “Yeah, makes you wonder, what evolutionary pressure did that? ” “Something must have recently changed” “When they attacked the colonists? ” “could be… just doesn’t add up right” The tunnel straightens and they can see large alcoves in the side wall, each a pit down into darkness. In front of them a worker holds a struggling larvae in its arms. As they watch it throws it down into one of the pits. As it turns to face them Hombre shoots it in the head and it drops in a mass of spindly limbs. “The Larvae pits” “Well, that’s good. The closer we are to the queen the more young hivers we should see” Delta nods to the way ahead “And more soldiers! ” Two of the insectoid warriors just walked into the chamber. One levels its spear and fires a hurried shot, a single solid slug that passes over their heads and takes a chunk out of the wall. The other grasps it’s spear and rushes forward, but is cut down in a concentrated hail of plasma fire, along with its companion who never finished reloading. Hombre looks down into the pit, walls are a solid layer of writhing larvae. A central shaft curves off down into darkness. There must be an egg chamber down there, newly hatched larvae grip the wall and crawl up, by the time they reach this level they are nymphs with darkening shells, ready to be lifted up, sponged down and put to work. Hombre leans over and looks down, into the hellish pit, at the hundreds of blind and hungry faces looking up. "We could burn one tube out and drop down? If the eggs are down there then there must be a way to the queen" "Too slow. Workers carry the eggs here for her, must be miles of egg tunnel. " The air is suddenly ripped by a hissing shriek and hivers flood in from both ends of the tunnel, a mass of workers carrying all manner of bladed weapons and hand tools leading the charge while the bigger warriors tower over them, firing over their heads. The gun spears spit hails of poison flechettes and explosive bombs as the humans drop prone, returning fire. One bomb from the initial volley catches Indigo directly on the leg and blows it clean off at the knee. The blast picks up Hombre and tosses him into the larvae shaft. The larvae blindly grasp and snap, desperate for a taste of flesh. He grabs a grenade and thumbs it live, just as a larvae bites his hand, frantically tearing and trying to swallow. "Choke on it! " He roars as the grenade detonates, blasting pulpy flesh apart and sending him and a shower of larvae falling down into blackness. Indigo wails and thrashes, shock and trauma blessedly shutting down higher functions as it passes out from blood loss. Lemur fires a grenade at the oncoming hoard, only to watch in amazement as a worker leaps up to grab it out of the air, curling around it to take the blast. With a dull thump its blown apart, but the rest of the horde are intact and still moving. He curses and shouts “Switching! ” “Got you covered! ” Foxy lays a barrage of fire ahead as Kilo covers Lemur as he grabs a fallen weapon in each hand. The workers are slipping and stumbling over their own dead and dying but taking the brunt of the fire. At the same time Baker and Kilo both drop to one knee, shoulder their rifles and start sniping, sending accurate single shots over the melee and picking off the warriors with well-aimed headshots. The Flamers light up the mounting barricade of dead worker bodies and eventually the workers stop pressing forward. Lemur backs off and blows a hole in the burning pile, but no more hivers attack. “Looks like this wave is out, keep moving as they’ll regroup fast” They thumb Indigo’s charge and move on rapidly, leaving the room a burning pyre. The ramp pitches steeply down, spiralling deeper into the ground. They descend level after level until they notice the air is clammy and cold. Their breathe is visible in the chill. “What the hell? ” “not natural cooling or hive thermoregulation. This is refrigerated” Able points through a vision slot in one wall that’s glowing with blue white light “there’s your coolants” In the vast room beyond were fields of huge bloated larvae, barely moving, their leathery sack like bodies full of some icy slush like fluid they slosh back and forth. “Cryogenic stores. Living gas tanks. There’s a lot going on here we weren’t told about” They carry on down, until the spiralling ramp brings them out on a wide tunnel of ornately worked resin concrete big enough to drive three trucks abreast down. “OK, this is the Queen’s Road. It should take us directly to her chambers” They break into a run, double time as the end of the mission is almost in sight. The Tunnel ends in a massive chitinous iris door. “How do we open it? ” Lemur lifts the grenade rifle. “I could knock? ” As if in answer the door scythes open, revealing a chamber full of warriors. Bigger and taller than any they’ve faced before, they have metal devices on their heads and arms, specialised bugs clinging to their chests projecting the pale blue glow of personal shields. Several have grotesquely bulging heads, jaw and eyes distorted to accommodate the metallic cylinder of a weapon “Holy…” There’s a detonation like a sonic boom and Baker explodes, hit in the chest by a projectile travelling at hypersonic speeds. The bug that fired falls, having lost half its head, its carapace fractured by the force of the blast it fired. “.! ” Foxy ramps the semi portable up to maximal, each shot a small sun that bursts on impact, tearing into the shields and punching through the warriors behind. The Warriors return fire with rifles and pistols of their own, many obviously scavenged from the colonists. The overload has the semi portables barrel glowing a cherry red, scorching the flesh on her arms. Delta’s head goes back with a whip crack as something hits him hard enough to crack his helmet and he goes down. Lemur empties the flame unit into the air, raining fire down onto them. The shields can stop fast moving projectiles but the burning fuel is slower and in places drips through. Kilo and Able head toward the wall, firing wildly. Foxy keeps firing, each shot punching through a shield and the warrior wearing it but she’s hit over and over again, bullets cracking armour, flechettes drawing blood. The Warriors keep advancing, shields locked. A lucky shot cracks the gun barrel and the whole thing overloads, the Warriors rushing into the blast to stab and bite. She draws the pistol and punches it though the shield of the nearest, firing the explosive rounds into its face. “I’m in trouble! ” LEROY grabs up Deltas grenade. “Cover me! ” as he arms his. With a live grenade in each hand and the remains of the ammo in the pack on his back he rushes into the melee… The explosion rocks the hive. [Previous] [p] | [Next] n.

Blind eyes opened movie review. Blind eyes opened movie dvd release. As I said in the title this is going to be a long post, since it's a three year story I will try to provide as much information as possible. A few things first I am currently 22 and he is 24, we live in a European country where the church holds power, the families are generally important, most of the parents are overprotective of their kids and people(mostly the older) generally have conservative values. We met in 2017 via a hookup app(romeo) for sex, I liked him so we talked in the app and met a couple more times to have sex(now some context about my situation with my family, I live with my parents who dont know I like men, only my mother actually knows cause she caught me browsing romeo one night in summer 2015 on my computer, we didn't directly talk about it but after I returned from my summer vacation my parents suggested I went to a therapist to work out issues, so because of these reasons and cause my parents are always around my house we never went to my house and for some time we only had sex outdoors, about his family I only knew that he lived with his mother and sister). Eventually we started going to his house and having sex there(his mother is super chill and didn't mind me coming but she didn't know either that he liked men)unfortunately we met usually once a week because my mother was still suspicious that I might go out with boys and she would call me and ask me who I was going out with and to not be late(some more context, during that time I was in my second year at university and initially he told me that he was also at uni but he later revealed to me that he actually was not in uni but he was studying to give the entry exams in order to enter a university too, all this time which was about 1-2 months tops we both still had our romeo accounts). So we didn't meet regularly cause I had my parents being controlling and had to study and go to my classes and after revealing that he was studying for the exams I understood that he had to focus therefore we only met once a week. Furthermore when we were outside I was very reserved as I was afraid of what people might say or do since our country is not that gay friendly(and unfortunately he translated all this as signs that I was ashamed of him, plus I was really stupid one time during the beginning when we hang out and told him that if I see him by accident outside I probably won't say anything again this is my mistake for letting my fear and upbringing take control and I regret it). When I went to his house I would be there at around 8-9 in the morning and leave at around 3-4 in the afternoon (basically went during uni hours in order not to draw attentionfrom my parents) (some more context, I shared with him my past and revealed an event that hurt me but when I asked for his in order to get to know him better he would give little to no details). I liked him and I wanted to be with him and after a while I actually thought about asking him to be my boyfriend but I was afraid, I always had the fear that noone would actually love me and want to be with me so I didn't say anything. One day instead he asked me if I wanted to be his boyfriend and here was my first big mistake. I didn't want to lose him cause I was happy, so I had this notion that by saying yes and being in a relationship it would automatically put an end date in what we were building and I didn't want an end so I didn't give him a straight answer. I wanted to be with him but making it official would mean that there would be an end, so if we didn't make it official there would be no end in us, that's how I was thinking it(and at that time I made the mistake of not explaining my line of thinking to him). So a little more time passed and he told me via text that we were over, the reasons were that I didn't say yes to being in a relationship with him and that I was constantly on romeo all this time having sex with other people. So now I explained to him the reasoning as to why I didn't say yes even though I wanted to be with him. Also I explained that I wasn't on romeo to have sex I was looking if maybe anyone i knew was in there(at that time only two of my girl friends at uni knew about my preferences and none of my old high school friends, there are not a lot of gay kids here, I am actually the only one in my class) and that I didn't have sex with anyone cause that wouldn't be right since I liked him and was going out with him. He was surprised and told me that because he thought that I was having sex with others that he went and had sex with a random guy, I told him that it's ok and all this was just a miscommunication issue and that we need to be honest and talk to each other(since it's been so long I am a little fuzzy on the details but I'm pretty certain that we agreed to be in a relationship if not the same day that we talked about all this then a few days later, in the end I think we both kept our romeo profiles, he asked me to keep his because he had a friend that he only has romeo and can only talk to him through there so I believed him and agreed). A little more time went by and so came summer of 2017(we kept seeing each other once a week cause of the mentioned issues) so I left for vacation with a friend of mine. While I'm away he told me that he wants to break up and he blocks me(which I have told him that it really hurts me since a person in high school did the same). I decide to create a fake romeo account, I start talking to him and eventually reveal myself we talk for some time and eventually he unblocks me and we are back together(i am not sure if he said that now or one of the next times, but he said that the reasoning behind the break up is just the stress from studying for the exams, about the exams, when I meet him he was studying for the exams in the summer but after meeting me he got a liking in math and science, so he changed the subject cause he found them more interesting that what he was previously studying so he didn't have the exams that summer but instead next summer). After I returned from my vacation and until the end of December 2017 he breaks up with me almost every week and sometimes even twice a week(he also blocks me a few times). One time I'm in his house asking him for maybe an hour or something to talk to me and tell me what is going on and what is bothering him. Finally he tells me three things, first that he is annoyed that I haven't introduced him to my friends, second that I am gonna leave him cause I have stated that I want a family in the future and third that I had plans to study abroad so that put an end to our relationship. I explained to him that I didn't introduce him to my friends because it always felt weird for me when people introduced their S. O in their friend group, I was thinking that I would be "showing off " like here is my boyfriend take a look at him and I didn't want things to be awkward but I told him that since he wants to meet my friends that it will happen(and in the future many times I asked him when he wanted for all of us to go out but he never responded and later revealed that I didn't matter anymore since I didn't think it in the first place and that he had to say it to me). About the second thing involving the family I said that we can have a family together (he initially though that because I am bi I would leave him for a woman). Lastly about my studies I explained that I still had about at least 7-8 years of studying in my country, so if I went abroad it would be in 8 years and I would take him with me(as he revealed months later there were other issues too that he didn't reveal that day, some time during those months he also told me that he was going to a therapist and she suggested that we break up because I didn't meet his needs and that maybe he should try a relationship with a girl too) At the end of December of 2017 he told me to break up and we actually didn't talk for almost a month, then one day he texted me and said that he wants to be with me and we were together again (at that time because every time he broke up with me I was very sad I told him that I dont know how much of this I can take and eventually I might break, act stupid and I don't know what I might do). Everything was great for a while but one day in the end of April 2018 as I get ready to watch infinity war he texts me and he says that he wants to break up, that he is sorry and that he needs to focus on studying (and also I think he blocks me but I'm not 100% sure). Unfortunately I am angry and pissed at him for doing it again and I lose control so the next week I'm in my head like you dont really love me, you only played with me and you want to be with other people so I'm gonna be too and I go and have sex with two people(he later revealed that he was gonna text me the next week but he saw me online in romeo so he went to have sex too), with one of them the second time he convinces me to remove the condom, but since I didn't use a condom a make and appointment two weeks later to get tested which showed a negative result so I was relieved. Now fast forward to the beginning of June 2018 he texted me and he said that he wanted to be with me again(I told him that I had been with other people after we broke up) but this is the first time that I didn't say yes, I wanted to but I was afraid that what happened before was gonna happen again, I had always trusted him and never had a second thought about anything he said, it was complete blind trust(which he later revealed that he believed was indifference) but now I couldn't. I explained that I will think about it after the summer exams(which were beginning in June) but he kept asking me and I told him to wait cause I could barely focus on studying. After the exams were over I was still angry at him, when the exams were over my parents left for a few days(during that time I was also sick with tonsillitis)and I said that I would leave too, and here was my other major mistake where I majorly fucked up I lost control and let the anger make decisions. I put provocative titles(looking for big cock and etc) in romeo and grindr and found a guy and had sex with him (and recorded some parts), during the whole journey to go to his house I had second thoughts I was like "what you are doing is fucked up, you dont really want this you are just angry" every step of the way I regretted it but I felt like I was not in control of my actions, my anger was, but I didn't stop and I went to his house (unbeknownst to me he was spying on me in romeo and grindr and he figured out that I went to have sex). A few days later we met and it was awkward cause I didn't know what to say, I wanted him, I loved him but i was afraid that history was going to repeat and i was still angry, i didn't fully trust him. We also went to a sauna and had sex in a private room (without a condom), when we were leaving i saw that he look weird, that there was something going on but he didn't say anything. A few days later he asked my if I had been with someone else and I admitted it. So before I left for vacation I told him that I do want to be in a relationship with him but he was surprised because he thought that I was going to say no so he said that he wasn't ready yet. I went on vacation (I met with one guy there who gave me a bj) and after I returned we agreed to be together but in an open relationship(he asked to see the videos which I had recorded so I sent them to him), we both had sex with other people during the summer and we even had a threesome but because we had an open relationship we agreed to wear a condom with each other too(which rule we didn't really follow). Fast forward to September, we agreed to close the relationship and not have sex with other people(but I made the mistake of not deleting the apps, I just didn't use them anymore, if you ask why I didn't delete them it's because I didn't see an issue since we both didn't use them and I wanted to have them in case we decided to have a threesome again) so we decide to get tested again in order to have unprotected sex. I make an appointment and get tested but a few days later they ask me to come back again in order to get some more blood, by this point I start to panic since it's not normal, so they get my blood again and a few days later they call me to come get the results. It turns out I fucked up and tested positive, I almost have a breakdown in the clinic, I go by his house to tell him the news and I'm afraid that he might be too and I should kill myself for what I did, for what I have to live with and that I can't live with this, but he helps me and calms me down. A few days later I go and get tested to another place and i get the same result, fortunately the person there made an appointment to a hospital. For the whole month of September and a little more I was a mess, I didn't want to have sex with him cause I wasn't sure that he also had it so I didn't want to risk it even with a condom, I suggested that if he wants he can go and have sex with others cause it's been some time, eventually he got tested and he was also positive and I hated myself for what I did to him. In November of 2018 he came to my house for the first time cause my parents had left for a few days, but I was afraid that some neighbor might see him and casually mention something(not with ill intent, just sharing news) and my parents might find out that a guy came to my house, my paranoia and fear took over unfortunately so i asked him that we dont talk a square block before my house. When we were laying on my bed I noticed that he wasn't ok so I asked him and said its nothing and he was just tired so I believed him. A few days later he told me that he was upset because I told him not to speak when we are close to the house and that he started thinking what happened during the summer and that he kept watching those videos with me and was really angry(all this time he has been studying for the exams but in my country if you are positive you dont have to give exams, you enter with your high school mean average, so he had plenty of time to start thinking). He told me that I was a dick because I had sex with that guy even though he came back and wanted to be with me, that in 2017 I did not say immediately yes to being in a relationship with him, that I haven't introduced him to my friends and that we don't meet regularly (we still met around once a week), he also told some of his family story, that his father was drinking and was causing trouble in the house and that's why they left and that they had just moved to the new house with his mother a few months before he met me, that he was waiting for "the prince" and when I didn't immediately say yes I shattered that. I tried to fix what I could so after he expressed his complaint I decided to go ever day to his house, not only because he wanted it, I also wanted it and now after he told me all that i started to get the courage to stand up against my parents. I would be at his house from 10-11 in the morning till 7 in the afternoon, I missed every class in uni and I barely ate cause I was there all day(which resulted in me loosing losing weight). I wanted to show him affection, that I cared and that I always wanted to spend time with him but our obligations were in the way, I thought he understood that, he made it clear that he wasn't happy with the current situation so I tried to change(my parents were being annoying like where are you so many hours out if the house but I fought it). One day after saying again that he keeps thinking of all that happened he blocks me, then I make another fb and talk to him, we talked there for some time and he eventually unblocked me but he was still pissed. Eventually he told me to break up again but I was still coming to his house, so one day when he went to messenger to show me something, my eye caught another conversation and the text sent from him was "what's up handsome? " so I asked him what's that, I told him that it's ok since we are no longer together and I can't tell him who to text, so he said the way I say it sounds bad so maybe we are just in a complicated phase, all this time he only wanted to be top(he was mostly the bottom in the relationship). Some days later we broke broke up and told me that all this time because of his bad mood he didn't enjoy sex with me(being a bottom) so he wanted to be with others and that he isn't truly a vers but a bottom mostly and he only pretended to be vers cause I am one, I try to convince him not to leave me and that we can be open but he didn't want to be with me. In the end of December 2018 I'm about to have eye laser so the last day that I'm at his house before the procedure I apologize again and tell him to think about us being together(even in an open relationship) and before I leave he says that he will think about it. The night before the eye laser I am really nervous so I can't sleep properly and I wake up early and see a text from him saying, sorry I can't do it, and I panic cause I don't want to lose him. So things in the eye clinic are bad, before the procedure they give you a pill to relax but obviously it didn't work, even during the surgery they poured a ton of anesthetic drops but I was so stressed that my eyes wouldn't stop twitching, thankfully all went well. I spend a couple of days in the bed in the dark and we talked on the phone cause I couldn't type. A few days after Christmas I asked him if he had sex with someone cause in romeo he had the looking for sex but he said no, so the Sunday after Christmas I went unannounced at his house to talk to him and saw a lubricant on the desk and he admitted that he indeed had sex. In the following days we talked and I told him that all these things that he told me now he has never said them before, he said that in the beginning he asked for a relationship and I didn't say yes so what was the point in believing that I would later change? And I said give me a chance, I have already changed(at that time I came out to all of my friends to make him see that I can change) and that I can change even more I proposed to talk to my parents so we can go out and on trips(one of the things he said was that we didn't do things that couple do, which is true, I wanted to do them too but uni and fear held me back), he said that he can't believe me after what happened that summer and that it was a turning point for him and that he wanted some things from me(the standards of a relationship)which I didn't give him. Also he said that in the past every time he would say that he wants to break up that it wasn't a break up just an argument between couples, he also revealed that he was actively avoiding me during 2017, when he said that he was studying and wouldn't log in to messenger it wasn't because he was studying (which he wasn't doing very much) but because he didn't want to speak to me and some times when that chat head from messenger would pop up he would delete it. I admitted again that I made mistakes, that I shouldn't have these insecurities that they indeed held me back, that I was afraid of the situation with my religious parents but he should give me a chance and see if I can change even further. Every day I kept say all these things and having the same conversations and ask for forgiveness and recognizing that I fucked up till the middle of February 2019(sometimes we would go a week or maybe two without speaking). All this time since December I couldn't relax, I was thinking about killing myself and I even said it cause I couldn't take it anymore, I even made a plan of all the things to take care of before doing it, but he told my friend from uni and she freaked out understandably, my semester exams in January got fucked up because I didn't study anything cause I couldn't concentrate, I was barely eating and had lost lots of weight(this wasn't the first time that I had the thoughts that if I am gone what's the harm, that I dont and wont really matter if I'm gone, I thought about these things even when I was a kid). After almost two weeks had passed since we last spoke I eventually one day texted him and asked him if he wanted to go out with me for coffee or something and he said yes, so we went to a cafeteria a few days later. The next week I went to his house and we had sex(he was the bottom), so I started coming to his house regularly, we both still had romeo and grindr, I was spying on him there and told him what's the reason to have them anymore and he was surprised and said that he though that I wanted for us to have sex with other people, he told me that he wouldn't have sex with others and when we had sex he wanted to be the top, but I could see him in romeo and I was sad that he no longer wanted to be a bottom too(if you ask why such obsession with him being a bottom, there are several reasons mainly jealousy that others fucked him better and that's why he no longer wanted to bottom for me). I kept going to his house regularly and started eating a little more but because he was still angry sometimes he didn't want to see me at all, I was still sad that he had the profile in romeo and wanted only to top so my imagination and fear went rampant I thought that he was having sex with other people, I was afraid that it was only temporary and that he would leave me again and I wanted to stop the pain so I started cutting myself in various places, first the hands then the inside of my thighs, he noticed it and asked me to stop doing it and eventually after some time I stopped but I had to have tattoos on my arms to hide them as much as possible. Around the end of April to beginning of May he asked me if I wanted to be his boyfriend and I said yes, I still couldn't properly focus on studying so I didn't pass almost anything(I think 1 out of 6) and as time passed we got better and better, I wanted for us to go on vacation but he wanted to keep the money(here when you are positive you get 700 a month). So summer went by I would go at his house every day, we would go out and eat but he was afraid and uncomfortable with us in public, I had become the brave one. In the end of August when my parents had to leave for a few days he would come to my house and sleep here and he even stayed for almost a week once(my parents also left other times and he came every time), we were finally doing what I've always wanted to do but was too afraid, when uni started again I would go in the morning and then go by his house in the afternoon, sometimes due to homework I stayed home but he was also studying cause he got in uni too. Time passed and everything was fine, from time to time I asked him if there is anything I can do better or that I should change, the only problem was that he didn't want to bottom, I asked him if maybe he didn't like it with me but he said no it's not that, it was because it's easier to top and doesn't require preparation, that was the only thing bugging me I was afraid that he was not being honest, so we didn't have a lot of sex since I'm not a bottom, also from time to time I would tease him with things like maybe you are satisfied with others as a bottom and that's why you don't want to be with me(later he said that maybe I was saying these things cause I was doing them in order to cover my tracks). So time passed and we reach December of 2019, during the first week of the holidays I was a little sick so I couldn't go to his house for about a week, eventually I got better and drop by his house. My parents left again in the beginning of January 2020 but he didn't want to come and stay, so a little more time passed and one day when he opens his phone I see grindr and he says that he downloaded it to see if I'm there(because of the jokes that i make) and that it's the only reason. He proceeds to delete the app a few days later but not the user cause he said that he didn't know that it can be deleted and said that he would download it again and delete the user, but a few days passed and nothing, he just said that there is not enough space to download it again in order to delete the user. A few weeks later we are in the final quarter of January 2020 a week before my exams he starts saying that he has some issues and that I shouldn't come by his house, I ask him what issues and he says that it's his problem and not mine so I tell him that it's not just his problem its ours since we are together but he doesn't explain. A few days later he reveals that for about a month he has been thinking again what happened in the past and how I treated him and some days he is really angry and some others not(I again get really nervous and I can't think of anything else or study so again no exams for me, and I keep thinking am I that irredeemable? ). I create a romeo account to look for him and I see a profile in his location but with things that don't really match him, so I delete the romeo but I'm still suspicious that its him. So February 14 is close and that day I ask him if we are going to go out, in the beginning he's like yeah but then he starts to lose interest and says that he's not in the mood if I haven't noticed these days, later I tell him that I'm afraid that he might have sex with someone else and he gets angry, he says that I should have thought about that before I did what I did, that he is stupid for putting up with me and still choosing to being with me and that I should be glad that he is still with me, he says "fuck you" when I said "sorry" again and then corrects it by saying "actually you've had plenty of that, I should have said drop dead" and a few hours later he texts me if im here and if I want to talk on the phone later(if you are wondering, no, we didn't talk about the drop dead or the argument, we talked about other stuff). A few days pass and every day I create a romeo profile to check that user and then immediately delete, I'm pretty sure that it's him and I see him online when he was saying that he was studying. So this past Wednesday I go to his house and I ask him if he has a romeo account, he starts laughing and doesn't say yes, he doesn't admit it he leaves it at maybe but its definitely him(I asked him if his intention is to have sex with others or just look for friends, he said friends but he changed his options to looking for sex and put the more bottom role again, I will do my best to trust him). He is still really angry and doesn't even want to have sex with me at all. He explained that he was laughing and being upbeat cause he doesn't want to get angry and insult me and he says the same things again, that I went and had sex and that I was playing him that i make him look like the bad guy so and I sat there and said nothing, I couldn't say what I was thinking cause he would just get mad and I dont want that because I am afraid that he will break up with me and this time I can't take, it sometimes I think that the only way out and the only thing that will satisfy him is me dead. So instead I am gonna say what I was thinking here. Yes I did have sex I was a jerk and I lost control, I'm sorry for giving my status to you too, I was too afraid of other people because of my upbringing and the society that we live in, I am sorry, I am sorry for giving in to my fear and not listening to my emotions and saying yes when you first asked me to be with you, I regret everything and I wish I had then the courage and the knowledge that I have now, people are supposed to improve and learn from their mistakes and I'm sorry that these mistakes hurt you, if I could I would go back and change them, I learned from them and I changed, I got the courage to demand that my parents step back so I can do what I always dreamed, spend more time with you, I came out to my friends and showed that I'm not afraid of what they might think of me, I became human and I am showing the emotions that I have always felt but only now have the courage to express them, you can't keep a grudge against people especially when you love them they change and show it, everyone deserves chances to show that they can improve and most importantly those that you love, and when they do change thinking about the past is not healthy and brings only am I that irredeemable...

Blind eyes opened playing near me. Him lying on the floor crying and getting comforted by a nurse just tells me the ending of the movie. Blind eyes opened official trailer. Lol funny seeing that smug little virtue signaller starting to slide down in his chair while being owned by Yaron. Blind eyes opened film release date. Blind eyes opened imdb. Blind eyes opened movie trailer movie.

Blind eyes opened human trafficking

Blind eyes opened showtimes. Hi everyone, these tips are some of my favourite ways to shoplift from stores. I haven't seen a shoplifting masterpost on this subreddit (correct me if I'm wrong) so I'd thought to share. Credit to @yeahilift Also y'all have probably heard this a million times but only lift from big companies, and never lift from small businesses who depend on sales as it can drastically affect their livelihood! Blind Spot   A blind-spot is a section of the store where you are barely visible by any cameras or employees and can thus feel free to both collect and dump stuff, without fear of being seen. Make sure your blind-spot is not under surveillance. Never do anything where someone else may see you, even a customer. You can make your own spot inside a shopping cart with large packages to conceal your movements or use display units to your advantage. Also, a friends body can be used to block viewing. You will always want to act quickly once you have entered your blind spot and never grab an item and walk straight to your area. Shop your way into it like you need something from there and then shop your way out like you did nothing wrong. Never hang around your blind-spot for too long and don’t keep using the same spot, especially if you are leaving opened packages. Most of all, be careful to never lead Loss Prevention to your blind-spot and remember that Loss Prevention will know their store better than you and will already know where all the blind spots are. Dressing Room After selecting clothes you head to the Dressing Room to try them on. While your in there you decide that instead of purchasing them, you’re going to shoplift them. This can be easily done in the privacy of this little room as long as you know what you're doing. The inside of dressing rooms will normally not be monitored by Loss Prevention. If they do they have to have a sign saying that “Dressing Rooms are monitored” for it to be legal. Also, most dressing rooms are not 100% private. A lot of times the door or curtain stops about 2 feet from the floor giving Loss Prevention an opportunity to observe some of your actions, especially with a small shoe mirror. Regardless of all of this, you’re going for it and there are several ways you could go about concealing your items. First thing you do is to remove any security tags on the clothes. Removing tags is discussed in the ‘Tools of the Trade’. The most common way to obtain your new clothes would be to place them into another stores bag that you walked in with. Second would be to wear the new cloths under what you are already wearing or fold them up and tape them to your body. You could also just exchange the old clothes you are wearing for new ones (not recommend). Remember to never leave any tags or hangers behind unless there are already hangers or clothes in the room, which you can use to hide. Otherwise, you will be alerting the staff that you took something. Some store count the clothing going in and out of the dressing room. To get around this, hide pieces of clothing under more visible ones, or conceal clothes in a tote bag at a blind spot and bring it with you to the stall. Body Stuffing This is a common technique used by women. With a dress on they will take an item and hold it between their thighs and walk out. Also you could have a inflatable ball so that you appear pregnant. Gather clothes and go into a dressing room, deflate the ball and place the cloths in its place, so that you still appear pregnant. Men could taking some small expensive items and place them in the small of your back. Wearing a tight shirt tucked in with a baggier outer shirt would help conceal any item. Clothes can be wrapped and taped around your torso and your legs while wearing bagger clothes. Remember you have to be able to walk out the door without arousing suspicion. The Drink Cup Concealment A large drink is purchased and then brought into the store. You then proceed to drop small heavy items like jewelry into the drink cup. On leaving the store the drink cup is unlikely to be searched. You must be wary of drinking too much or the items will be revealed in the bottom of the cup. Sleight of hand This is a technique used to manipulate items by secretly palming them and hiding the items out of sight while diverting the sales associates attention somewhere else. This is easily done with jewelry and an inattentive sales person. While looking at multiple jewelry you have the sales person distracted while an expensive item is slipped into a pocket. Though it is easy to distract the human eye, the camera is a little harder to fool, so you must keep this in mind when using this tactic. The Drop Bag This Simple technique is use when a person brings a bag from another store in with them. As they shop around the store they will pick up two of the same items and inconspicuously drop one of the items into the open bag while looking the other item over. They then put the one item back as if they didn’t want it and make another selection. The Self Bagger With this technique you enter the store with the stores bags already on you. The bags should be as new as they can be and you should have already acquired them in advance. Never walk into a store and pick up a bag out of the recycle bin or an empty cashiers stand. Begin by making your selections and then proceed to a predetermined blind spot in the store. You will then bag up the merchandise and place it the cart. With the merchandise bagged proceed to leave the store. This works really well if there are multiple cashers stands through out the store. Receipt Matching This technique requires that you already have a receipt for the merchandise that you are going to return. You could search either retailer’s parking lot or trashcans looking for receipts that have a high dollar item on it paid for in cash. The problems with this is that stores try to prevent this type of return by installing outdoor cameras to watch the parking lots. Some will also have a greater who will give you a sticker when you enter with a return. This prevents people from acquiring items from within the store to return. Newer stores now have their return desk entrance separate from the store entrance to prevent you from doing this. If these are not issues then enter the store and compare the items on the receipt to the merchandise in the store. Once the you find a match take the merchandise to the return area and receive money for it. Magic Bags A person will bring a foil lined bag that they made out of approximately 10 layers of heavy aluminum-foil, into a store. This is to help shield the security tags that are on merchandise from the alarm towers at the exit of a store. Choose small expensive items and place them into your Magic bag. The tags must be completely shielded for this to work. Seal the bag so that it cannot be penetrated by radio frequency. If there is a “leak” (i. e. If the signal from the tower reach the tag through a opening in the bag) the towers will be activated. You can test it by inserting a cell-phone in to the bag and calling the number. If the phone rings that means the layers are too thin, or there is a hole that is allowing the radio waves in. This bag will only work with the RF (radio frequency) tags. In order for it to work with AM (acousto-magnetic) tags you will need to increase the amount of foil to 30 layers of heavy aluminum-foil. A side note - you may use copper or tin plates instead of the foil to make a magic bag. The only issue with this would be weight. Read ‘Anti-Shoplifting Devices’ to better understand the difference between the RF and AM security tags. Magic Box Like the Magic Bag a shoebox is lined with the appropriate layers of aluminum-foil and inserted into a bag of a local store. The box is placed so the opening is facing up, thus when you are in a concealed area you can discreetly drop items into your box. When you are ready to leave, just close the box with the lid (which was never removed from the bag) and walk out. Magic Pocket You can line a hidden pocket inside of a jacket with aluminum-foil to create a Magic Bag. You would typically cut the bottom out of an inside pocket and then insert a envelope that has been wrapped in foil. You would then place small items into it and seal the flap so that the radio waves won’t penetrate the envelope. Bag Switching Bag switching is attempted by two people who come into the store separately The first person will gather a large amount of merchandise that they want to remove from the store and place it into a large bag. They will then inconspicuously switch their bag with the second person, who has a matching bag that is already filled with items that came from another store. If Loss Prevention is watching the first person and miss the bag switch they will more then likely stop them while the second person walks out with the goods. Box Stuffing This Technique requires the use of a low priced box. You open the box and remove the contents of the box. You then proceed to refill the box with more expensive items. You then reseal the box and take it to a checkout aisle, where you pay the purchase price for the item. You then leave the store with the more expensive items concealed. If the items in the box have security tags on them they will still be active and will set off the alarm towers as you exit. Most of the time the staff will flag you through thinking a mistake was made at the register and the box was not deactivated. You can also leave the low priced item in the box if you have room for your concealed merchandise, make your purchase, then just bring the box with the item back in for a full refund. Shoe Switching This is a typical switch a roué technique where you leave a store with new shoes while leaving your old pair in the store. Some shoe stores will still have both shoes in the box with no security tags on them. These shoes will be the are the easiest to remove. Just swap out when no one is looking. If one of the shoes has a security tag in it then you will need to either use a tag detacher to remove it or if the tag is in a shoe lace hole you can cut the leather a little and pull the tag through the ripped hole. In a store where the employee has to retrieve shoes for you, find the shoes you wish to liberate. Once the salesperson retrieves the right pair, have them go back to the stock room to get another style so you can compare the two. Once the employee is sent back to the stockroom, you simply walk out with the new pair of shoes leaving the old pair in the box. It is always good to have at least two boxes of shoes left on the floor with the old pair in a bottom covered box and an other new pair exposed on top of it. This should allow you time to move away from the store as the employee seeing that you left the new shoes and boxes, will assume that you changed your mind and left. High / Low Shopping Cart With this technique two people will fill up a couple of shopping carts. One will have a few expensive items in it while the other cart will be full of miscellaneous items. You then proceed to the cashier and unload the expensive items first. The cashier scans the items and removes the security tags. As one person loads up the first cart with the high value goods the second person continues to unload the second cart. The second shopper distracts the cashier while the first leaves with the expensive items in the cart. When it comes time to pay the second shopper pays with an invalid credit card or gift card. After a few embarrassing moments the second shopper tells the cashier that they will have to go and get the first shopper who has the cash and leaves the rest of the items behind. They both then leave with the expensive items. Shopping Cart Passing Shopping cart passing is attempted by a two-person group. The first person will gather the desired merchandise into a shopping cart and take it to the register. The cashier will then ring up all the merchandise and place it in bags. Once the total is rung up, the shopper pays with an invalid credit card or gift card. Acting embarrassed for not being able to pay to first shopper leaves the store. Most cashiers will put the shopping cart off to the side and resume ringing up other customers. At this point, the second person moves in and grabs the cart and walks out of the store with the stolen merchandise already in bags. Shopping Cart Hiding You find the item that you are looking for and place it under the cart. You then continue to gather a small dollar amount of merchandise and places it in the upper part of the shopping cart. You then bring the cart to the register and remove all of the merchandise with the exception of the item you wish to take on the bottom of the cart. A lot of times this will be overlooked by the cahier and not rung up. Also small expensive items can be placed under large boxes or bags that are to big to be picked up at the register. If the cashier is not paying attention you will usually be able to get the merchandise past them without much effort. After paying for the smaller dollar items you leave the store. Push Out You fill the cart with a lot of high dollar items and you then proceed to the exit. This technique works well when there are register stands throughout the store and there are multiple exits. It would also help to have a receipt in your hand from a prior visit so that it looks like you have paid for the items in the shopping cart. The Texas Twofer This in also called the Two for One technique and works well in stores that have multiple check out stands and exits. You enter the store and proceed to gather items you wish to take into a shopping cart. Then placing the cart in a predetermined out of the way area, you grab a second cart and gather the exact same items into the cart. You then take and pay for all those items and leave the store with your receipt. You can either have a second partner or do it yourself. Come back into the store with the receipt and go to your first cart. Bag up the items and proceed to another exit with your receipt as if you just purchased it. This technique could be done for a third time if the store has three exits, but I would caution that this should only be done with a partner. Bag Alarm This works best in Mall stores. You walk into a store with a bag of items from an other store. Inside the bag is a concealed active security tag that will trigger the security alarm towers at the entrance of the store. Make a big deal out of it and make sure an employee notices that it was you that trigger the gates as you entered. Comment that there must be something from another store in their bag that triggered the gates. Ask them if they want to hold onto your bag while you shop and just pick it up on the way out. Find the items you want and conceal them on your body. If you still have your bag you may want to put items underneath the items you brought in. Remember though an alert staff may want to look into your bag as you leave. Before you leave find the employee that saw you come in tell them that as you go out you might set of the alarms again. When you trigger the gates again, just keep on walking. False Alarm Have a friend enter the store a few minutes before you do and act as if you do not know each. You collect the items that you wish to take while your friend gets a few low dollar items and purchases them. As they leave the store you will walk out right behind them. As they reach the alarm towers have them hesitate a little as you walk through setting off the alarm. You discreetly keep on walking while your friend stops and draws all the attention by looking confused with the bags. They should be very co-operative and happily opens all of their bags for the employee to see yet nothing they have will triggers the gates again. Give an explanation of the False Alarm by saying that it must be cell phone interference. Decoy Alarm You place an active tag into another shoppers bag while they are not paying attention. This works especially well with someone with children. You follow closely behind them as they walk through the alarm towers. The active tag will set off the alarm and the unsuspecting shopper will stop, as you continue to walk through. Parents will think that maybe their kid had something on them. All the attention will be on them as you leave the store. Suspicious Friend Have a friend enter the store a few minutes before you do and act as if you do not know each other. The friend will walk around the store acting very suspicious. Picking up items and putting them into a pocket making sure that they are seen, but not being obvious. When an employee sees someone acting suspicious they will begin watch that person. You then proceed to the opposite side of the store and retrieve the merchandise that you wish to take. Make any necessary adjustments to the items in order to remove them and then leave. Your friend should place any objects that where concealed back and then depart. If they are stopped while exiting they can easy prove that they didn’t take anything. The Bathroom Heist You need two people for this. Have a friend go into the store a few minutes after you. You go in and select whatever you want. The second person will have already entered the store and gone into the restroom. Have them wait in a stall. You go in with the merchandise. Go into the other stall next to your friend. Peek down at your friend’s shoes to make sure they are really next to you. Hand the merchandise under the stall, have them conceal the item and walk out first, leaving the store. You wait a couple of minutes, and then leave. If you are approached while leaving the store say you don’t know what they are talking about because you didn’t take anything. You decided not to buy anything and set the item down. You don’t what happened to it, it is not your reasonability to keep track of stores stuff. Do not admit to anything.!. You did nothing wrong and Loss Prevention will have to let you go. Grazing   This commonly happens at a grocery store. While you are walking around shopping, you pick up some food such as candy, and eat it. If questioned you say that you entered the store with the item. When you are done with the item you discard the empty package on a shelf. Out The Wrong Door Some stores will have a separate one way entrance and exit doors. The entrance door will normally not have an alarm and can not be opened from the inside of the store. The alarm towers will be on the exit doors. This method will require two people or the help of an unsuspecting customer. You go in and retrieve merchandise from the store and conceal it. When you are ready to leave the store with your items, you wait at the entrance door. Have your friend open the entrance door for you as you walk out. You could do this without a friends help. Just wait by the entrance as a customer comes in and grab the door before it closes and walk out. Walk Out You go into a store and shop like you normally would collecting as many expensive items as you can carry. As long as your appearance and attitude are not of a suspicious nature you should go unnoticed. Once you have collected your items just walk out and go to your car and leave. This is easily done in small clothing shops that do not have Loss Prevention. The sales associates will be slow to react. It could also be done in large department stores that have multiple entrances as long as you have a friend waiting in a car ready to leave. If the store has only Ink Tags you may not even be noticed as you leave. If an alarm sounds, then continue to walk calmly out the door. Grab and Run (not really recommended) You enter a store with prior knowledge of what you are looking for. You move toward the merchandise you wish to take. Once you have the merchandise then proceed to the nearest store exit, very quickly. I recommend two people, one as a driver and the other as the runner. Before entering the parking lot for the store, remove the license plate. Coordinate watches and have a set time that the car will pull up the door. Before dashing out, make sure the driver knows to open the rear passenger door. This way you can just run out and dive into the back as the driver peels off because employees are sure to follow you out. Find a safe place to reattach your license plate. Due to the short time that you are inside the store, the people who attempt this are rarely caught, or in some cases even detected. Also a group of people can rush a store and grab as much merchandise as possible and then rush out. The speed with which this happens and the large numbers of people involved make it very difficult to stop. Emergency Exits This a very old technique and still may work from time to time especially during the holidays. A person gathers a lot of expensive merchandise into a cart and goes to the nearest Emergency Exits. You grab all of your items, push the bar that sets off an alarm and open the door. Have a friend in a car waiting right outside the door for a fast get away. You need to remember that exits will usually have cameras watching them and all of your actions and your face could be recorded. Emergency exits will all have alarms and the newer ones are on a time release. This means when you hit it, it will not open for 10 seconds after the alarm goes off. Loss Prevention are very aware of this tactic and will be watching for suspicious behavior around these doors. Casher Scanning An easy scam done by a cashier is to have a barcode stuck on the inside of their wrist so when a friend wishes to purchase something, instead of swiping the item the cashier actually swipes their wrist. This is effective when purchasing fifty dollar video games, which will actually ring up a couple packs of gum. This method eludes security cameras since it looks like an actual sale transaction is taking place. Receipt Passing With this technique you need a partner who waits out side as you enter the store. You select an expensive item and proceed to the checkout and purchase the item. Outside of the store you Pass the receipt and the stores bag off to your partner while you take the item to your car. With the receipt and bag concealed the second person goes into the store and finds the same item. they will then inconspicuously place the item into the bag and pick up a cheaper item on the way to the registers. With the receipt in hand they pay for the cheap item telling the casher they thought that they had better get this item before they leave. Fake Returns You go to the returns desk with a receipt and a box that contains a used or broken item, or something that has the same weight as the original item. This is best done when the return cashiers are busy and will not open the package. It also helps to have completely resealed the box and saying that it has never been opened. You would just like to have something different. However most high dollar items and almost all electronics will have a serial number on the outside of the box and it will be scanned at time of purchase. If it is returned, it will have to match the serial number on the item inside the box. They will open the box to double check it. You should have purchased the original item with cash so as to leave no evidence pointing to you. Receipt printing This method is a little more involved then most techniques because it requires you to have a thermal printer and receipt paper from the store you wish to make returns to. This can only be done with stores that do not use Bar-coding identification on the receipts. You purchase a few high value items with cash and gain a receipt that you can then copy. You proceed to make multiple copies of the same receipt so that you can use them to return items that you have taken from the store for a cash refund. Receipt-less returns This is a way of receiving cash or a store merchandise card without a receipt. You could attempt to remove items from off of the sales floor, walk up to the return desk, say that you lost your receipt and you would like to receive a refund. Unfortunately this is a risky move because Loss Prevention might be watching you as you go the return desk. After concealing the items, you leave the store. You would then proceed to another store and return the item there with out a receipt. Most stores will now require you to have a photo ID to return an item without a receipt and will limit how many returns you can make in a year. Large dollar amounts will always have to be approved by a supervisor. You can have fake Ids made up so that you can return more often to a store. Fence Sliding In stores that have garden centers one may be capable of sliding small expensive items under the fence. You then leave out the exit and come around to where slide your item under the fence. Or you could slide it to a waiting friend on the other side. Just remember to watch for those outdoor cameras. Key & Serial Numbers Many people download versions of games or software from the internet but cannot use the full version without a valid license. There are a couple ways of obtaining a license without removing the merchandise from the store. Take the item into a blind spot so that the packaging can be removed. Conceal the item and then take it into the privacy of a bathroom or dressing room to remove the packaging. Copy the serial number and then place the package in an inconspicuous place away from prying eyes. Defective Software A person buys a piece of software from a computer store, exits, opens the software, and records the serial number / CD key for single license of the software purchased. After at least a few hours the same person re-enters the store where he bought the software and complains to customer service that the installation disc is defective. Most computer store policies allow same-item exchange for opened computer software, so the person is given a different copy of the same software. The person now has two licenses after only paying for one. Self-Checkout It is possible to pass small items expensive items or large items through the self checkout without scanning them. You can do this if you have a lot of items you are purchasing. You can take a large item and pretend to scan it and place it right into the bag at the same time you pick up on the bag and place into your cart. The bagging area has a weigh scale that checks the weight of the scanned items. If there is a discrepancy, the supervising attendant is signaled to come to the station for assistance. The object is to never let the unscanned item sit in the bagging area. The scales will some times miss small light items so you could place multiple items into a bag without the computer noticing it. Beware - these checkout lanes are watched very closely by LP. Most have a camera overhead watching what you scan and a computer screen off site mirroring what your scanning. Barcode Counterfeiting While you are shopping you find an expensive item that you wish to have. You also noticed a cheaper version of the same item. You copy the numbers down from the UPC / Barcode off of the cheaper item. You can find bar coding applications and information on the internet that will generate a bar code for you. Print one out on a sticky label and then take it back into the store and place it over the barcode of the expensive item. Go through the checkout process, make a payment, have any security tags deactivated by the cashier and then walk out without arousing suspicion with your new item. Ticket Switching   You find an item on clearance and remove the clearance tag. You then find a similar high dollar item and apply the clearance tag to it. You then bring the high dollar item to an unsuspecting cashier and pay for it at a clearance price. Unfortunately most retailers today now utilize electronic barcodes that when scanned will ring up the correct price. Gift Card Cloning With this tactic you go into a store and remove a bunch of Gift Cards that have no value. With a card reader you obtain the numbers off of the magnetic strip on the back of the cards and make copies of them. You then return the cards and wait for a customer to activate one. Once activated and money is added to the card the value is also then passed to the cloned card. Opps - Did I Do That When a person takes their place in the check out line with the items they intend to take, and pay for only one of those items while holding what they want to take in full view to cause confusion but avoid suspicion due to their apparent intention of payment. If the unlikely event of being caught, they could simply pass off the attempt as accidental. Some of these are obviously more practical than others but thought to add them all anyway. Feel free to add more, happy lifting + stay safe. update: thanks for the gold mate!

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